Wednesday, January 16, 2008


....are falling in my back yard. Without a sound.

This makes me very happy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

InsOmNIa! $#@&*'s been kicking me about a little bit. I know why, it's wintertime and I'm more cooped up. A passage I read long ago (from a now-forgotten novel) has stayed with me: "My stomach is empty and my mind is full. And when your stomach is empty and your mind is full, it's always hard to sleep." Okay, that might explain the banana and peanut butter snack at 2:00 AM last week, shivering barefoot in the kitchen, which did seem to send me happily back to bed and 4 hours of blissful sleep before the next workday. But the times when my brain feels blank and the belly well sated belies the easy banana-trick.

Ah, well. It passes.

Today is another birthday. I have celebrated by chopping off my long hair. A new bio-photo will eventually follow, but since photos of me are scarce it may be awhile. For now, I'm still enjoying reaching for the back of my neck and encountering the blunted ends.

Happy birthday to me. I like growing old. I like feeling the passage of time, looking back, looking forward. One nice thing about having a January birthday is that it goes so well with looking ahead - planning the year, planning my life.

My favorite piece from last year:

This year, I want to continue the trend of reading more. Reading, and spending more time in the darkroom - I've missed it terribly over the holidays, which were screamingly busy between work and home. The above lith print reminds me how much I love this technique - another reason to go play in the darkroom!

Over the past several years, I've put myself out there quite a lot - both personally and professionally. 2008 is the year I am pulling in. I've been doing it almost unconsciously for the last several months, and have noticed how happy it makes me - contracting my life into a little circle between home, work, with only a few excursions on the side involving close friends or family. It feels really good.

Note to self: hang in there, old girl. It wasn't nearly as important as you thought it was. You know?? You're doing just fine!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had some time off from work, school, or whatever it is that keeps you from play-time.... ;)

Here's to a wonderful 2008! (I was going to say, an interesting 2008...but interesting doesn't always = wonderful, so I skipped it.) heh!