Tuesday, October 21, 2008

fall chatter

The Brookhaven Arts Festival turned out to be a really great event. Given the current state of our economy, it's an easy call that purchasing art isn't high on anyone's list of necessities. With that in mind, I expected this festival to be a bust.

The turnout was wonderful, even in our blustery, mostly overcast days. I sold enough to make it feel like a success. And as always, people stop in just to look at my old camera collection and want to chat and reminisce (I call these my "Uncle Charlie" conversations - as in, "Oh, would you look at this old camera - my Uncle Charlie used to have one just like it, and I remember him taking that thing everywhere...and there was one time, in particular..." and proceed to share a family memory with me), and I always value these connections. It's part of what photography is, of course - a way to capture a moment in time, and be able to continue to connect with it. Through that personal connection, we can connect with others. It's not always about just pulling the technically perfect print.

Anyway, I'm glad to have gone out on a high note, so to speak. I'm not certain when I'll do another festival, but for the immediate future I'm taking a hiatus. I continue to have most of my work posted in the Gallery of my web site, so for anyone who is interested in a purchase, just shoot me an email.

I'm winding down my business career (blissfully) over the next several months, and will probably need to internalize for awhile once it's over. I've been going like mad for so long - running here, running there, trying to squeeze in some kind of meaningful art in between Atlanta rush hour commutes and focusing on the health care industry - that it's going to take awhile to adjust to an abrupt stop. I'm looking forward to it and I'm also terrified of it. But that's fodder for another blog.