Monday, December 10, 2007

all moved in, and feeling tingly....

So, as long as I have to work at a "serious" kind of day job, it's nice to have pleasant surroundings in which to do so. My new office is not only the largest one I've ever had as a manager, it's also the only one I've been able to design. Well, re-design, as it was more than a little bit used when I first walked through it several months ago. I walked through and started a list of everything I wanted to see done to it, and plotted the course. This kind of thing is entertaining for me. I liked knocking out walls (on paper of course), picking out floor tiles and carpet and paint schemes. It's all come together quite beautifully and my own office, as I've said, is BIG - with 2 windows that actually open, with old-style hand cranks! yowza. So I've lined the faux marble windowsills with plants and unabashedly hung eight of my own pieces of framed artwork along the walls. (Some of my stuff that's not straightforward photography confuses people - another source of entertainment. I explain my processes much more thoroughly than the inquirer really wants me to.)

Work is work, and I really do yearn for the day when the alarm clock goes off only because I have an early class or maybe an early flight to someplace fun. But as long as it goes off every morning, forcing me out the door to work in health care management, I can think of worse places I've hung my coat. I like it here. No, really.

Busy, crazy times - on more levels than work, of course. Life is suddenly interesting in many new ways. I'm digging it, along with some of the new people I've met.

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