Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

Okay, so it may be too late to plant a tree in your area - but it's always okay to go hug one. Or, water and feed one - or a dozen.

I wish the idea of taking care of our fragile planet and the wild things that grow upon it could stay at the forefront of our collective minds. I know, I know - we have war, a crappy economy, an unsettled political landscape, escalating energy costs, floods and famine to grapple with. Yet the sight of a tossed fast food bag on the side of the road still hits close to home, probably because these sights ARE close to my home.

Pick up the roadside trash along your routes - today, and whenever you see it. Take care of the trees and bushes in your yard. Put out feeders for the birds and keep a birdbath filled with clean water.

There is so much we can't control that gives us the sense of a world gone mad. The best we can each do is to lavish tender care in our own little corners. So don't give up!

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