Monday, May 5, 2008

Roll up for the Magical Mystery Tour...step right this way

Ever wanted someone to just step in and disrupt your busy life with an announcement that you're being whisked off by plane to someplace new and special, and all you had to do was get the time off work, and be packed and ready at the appointed time?

Yeah, me too. And I'm actually going to get this gift, courtesy of THE best husband in the world, later this month.

Now, don't get me wrong....I like control. But until this was planned without my knowledge, I didn't realize what a gift the lack of control can be. I'm not worrying over what or how to pack, for instance. I will be given the vaguest of ideas as to whether to include warm or cool weather clothing - the night before we leave. If I knew in advance exactly where I was going, my feverish little brain would be laying out precise outfits and mulling over what to take for certain activities, and worrying about things like extra shoes...or socks.

More importantly, I'd be in a dither over what photography gear to take along...which for me, experience proves can lead to toting far too much. Knowing where I am going means I am able to dedicate a certain format to a certain place (if not envisioning actual photos!).

I'm surprising myself with my growing delight in the freedom of not's allowing me to shrug off planning for the unknowable, compelling me to keep it simple. Since I don't know any details, I'm going with the easy-to-tote 35mm - slides and infrared film (2 rolls from my precious remaining stash of HIE). That's 2 camera bodies with shared lenses (bless you, Pentax). That leaves room in my camera bag to tuck in the Holga and a few rolls of 120 B&W film.

So...that usually lengthy (and overthought) process is done. It's over. I can't plan for anything specific, so all I know is I'm going light, with a decided shift toward shooting for funk.

My Mystery Tour planner is remaining tight-lipped and teasing, promising only that it's all been planned, is already paid for, and all I have to do is live in the moment and enjoy myself to the extreme.

.....huh?! No debating over where to stay, what to pack, how to shoot....really? I'm being challenged to just relax and go with it! Relinquish control! Get into a complete mindset of spontaneity, that will last for days!

....I think I'm up for it. Everything I need....satisfaction guaranteed. The time is coming, coming to take me away.....

Oh, go on - let me enjoy the Beatles reference; who doesn't want to live in a Beatles lyric?


Anonymous said...

WELL???!!!?? Where did you get to go? The suspense is killing me.

Your old friend Brock!

Anonymous said...

That Bradford....he's the cats!!!! Enjoy your trip ;o) Don't forget to blog in detail upon your return!


terri said...

Brock!! You show up at the most unexpected places. We have some catching up to do, my friend. ;)

terri said...

ha ha, Janet, you remember our camping trips? ;) I learned long ago to just follow where Brad leads, and not ask questions.